Between 1998 and 2003, Dini, the Emmy Award-winning producer of Batman Beyond and The New Batman/Superman Adventures, joined forces with the incomparable Ross to create...
Harley and Ivy want to take down the Batman once and for all, but first, Harley's got to prove that she has what it takes...
Set in Harley s earliest days with the Joker, the DC Universe s most mischievious anti-hero makes the biggest mistake of her burgeoning criminal career...
Advance-solicited * On sale March 10 * 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US Written by Paul Dini * Art by Dustin Nguyen &,amp, Derek Fridolfs *...
From the world of the Batman: Arkham Rocksteady video game series comes the graphic novel tales filling in the gaps of the episodes, now collected...