Sony Pictures premiered MirrorMask (directed by Dave McKean, written by Neil Gaiman and produced by The Jim Henson Company) at the Sundance Film Festival in...
A cacophony of an alphabet book, from A to Z. Be prepared for a riot of action, art and words!...
Riveting text and astounding art make this a picture book to adore....
Multi-award-winning, globally bestselling author Neil Gaiman’s riveting retellings of the classic Norse myths, now reinvented with epic, full-colour illustrations by Levi Pinfold. A gift from...
A thrilling, wintry Nordic epic from the truly magical combination of author Neil Gaiman and illustrator Chris Riddell, weaving a tale of legend, magic and...
When Coraline moves to a new house she is fascinated by the fact that their house is in fact only half a house. Divided into...
Sometimes it only takes a stranger in a dark place... to say we have the right to be here, to make us warm in the...
Odd's luck has been bad so far. He lost his father on a Viking expedition, his foot was crushed beneath a tree, and the winter...
When a girl ventures through a hidden door she finds a secret world with shocking similarities to her own....
The griffin, the sunbird, manticores, unicorns - all manner of glorious creatures never captured in zoos, museums or photographs are packed vividly into this collection...
A creepy collection of spooky short stories by bestselling author Neil Gaiman....
Includes an audio version of the picture book....
A book of dreams and wishes for a newborn child that celebrates the glory of growing up....
A bright, bold and inventive picture book from award-winning duo Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean Shortlisted for the 2010 Kate Greenaway Award...
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