Lift the flaps to find out what happens inside a hospital - and meet some of the amazing people who work there. Young children can...
There's nothing like a visit from a polar bear family, a swirl of bees, an orangutan or a pod of dolphins to inspire action! Follow...
The trees are in trouble, and they're not the only ones. Meet the endangered forest animals in search of solutions. Fortunately they find a treehouse...
Worms are so much more than wiggly minibeasts. This bold, bright and brilliant book delves underground, discovering what worms do all day (and night), exploring...
Enter Christine Pym's adorable bug world and discover the importance of taking turns, being fair and sharing our planet with all living things. There's plenty...
Lift the flaps to discover the answers to all kinds of delightful questions, from whether hibernators get hungry and how honeybees stay warm, to which...
From what happens when you swallow to why poo is brown, this enlightening book takes a rumbling, gurgling trip through the digestive system, meeting helpful...
What actually IS love? Is love always LOVELY? Does love last FOREVER? This delightful book takes a gentle look at what it means to love...
What gives me shape? How do I move? What's blood for? And where does my food go? Take a peek inside the human body and...
From what to do when you feel like exploding to top tips on staying calm, this thoughtful, carefully-written and beautifully-illustrated book is a must-have resource...
What are germs? How do they spread? And how do medicines help? Curious young children can take a closer look at those mischievous, microscopic bacteria...
What happens when you fall asleep? Why do we need sleep? And what are dreams? Curious little children can lift over 30 flaps to find...
Why do spiders make webs? Where do clouds come from? And how many leaves does a tree have? Inquisitive young children can discover the answers...
An interactive book with over 60 flaps revealing answers to all kinds of questions about science. Children can lift the flaps to discover 'How do...
What's it like in space? How do you get there? And what do astronauts do all day? Inquisitive little ones can find the answers to...
With lots of flaps to lift on every page, this informative book answers the questions that all young children have about their senses. Each page...
How does the sun help us? What's it made of? And where does the sun go at night? Discover the answers to these questions and...
What's snow made of? Where can I find some? Where does snow go? Wrap up warm - it's time to find out! Curious little children...