What does history really consist of? Centuries of people quietly going about their daily business - sleeping, eating, having sex, endeavouring to get comfortable. And...
Tells the story of how American arose out of the English language, and along the way, de-mythologizes his native land - explaining how a dusty...
Bill Bryson's first travel book, The Lost Continent, was unanimously acclaimed as one of the funniest books in years....
In the company of his friend Stephen Katz (last seen in the bestselling Neither Here nor There), Bill Bryson set off to hike the Appalachian...
In 1995, before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire to move back to the States for a few years with his family, Bill...
lost to him because he had become a stranger in his own land. Bryson's acclaimed first success, The Lost Continent is a classic...