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Wordsworth EditionsWordsworth Editions

The Essential Kafka
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Essential Kafka
Kafka Franz


Like George Orwell, Franz Kafka has given his name to a world of nightmare, but in Kafka's world, it is never completely clear just what...

The Idiot
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Idiot
Dostojevskij Fiodor


Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues which centre around a...

The Jungle Book & The Second Jungle Book
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Jungle Book & The Second Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling


The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere...

The Karamazov Brothers
8,74 €
8,30 € Doporučená cena knihy
The Last of the Mohicans
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Last of the Mohicans
Fenimore Cooper


Across north-eastern America the armies of Britain and France struggle for ascendancy. This book contains vivid incident - pursuits through wild terrain, skirmishes - but...

The Pickwick Papers
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Pickwick Papers
Dickens Charles


Widely regarded as one of the classics of comic writing in English. In the century and a half since its first appearance, the characters of...

The Prince
8,74 €
8,30 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Prince
Machiavelli Niccolo


Translated by C.E.Detmold. With an Introduction by Lucille Margaret Kekewich. Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince...

The Selected Poems of Lord Byron
8,74 €
8,30 € Doporučená cena knihy
The Three Musketeers
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Three Musketeers
Dumas Alexander


With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren. University of Kent at Canterbury. One of the most celebrated and popular historical romances ever written, The...

The Wind in the Willows
8,74 €
8,30 € Doporučená cena knihy
Twelfth Night
8,75 €
8,31 € Doporučená cena knihy

Twelfth Night
Shakespeare William


Sir Toby Belch and his companion outwit the pretentious Malvolio, who despite suffering their most outrageous and insulting practical jokes, emerges as an almost noble...

8,74 €
8,30 € Doporučená cena knihy

Joyce James



The Canterbury Tales
8,19 €
7,78 € Doporučená cena knihy

The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer Geoffrey


Offers us a glimpse into the life and mind of Medieval England. This is a masterly collection of chivalric romances, moral allegories and low farce....

The Secret Garden
8,20 €
7,79 € Doporučená cena knihy
Key Philosophical Writings
7,26 €
6,90 € Doporučená cena knihy
Around The World In 80 Days / Five Weeks
6,54 €
6,21 € Doporučená cena knihy

Around The World In 80 Days / Five Weeks
Verne Jules


With an Introduction and Notes by Professor Roger Cardinal. University of Kent at Canterbury. Translations are by Paul Desages (Around the World in Eighty Days)...

Bleak House
6,54 €
6,21 € Doporučená cena knihy

Bleak House
Dickens Charles


Represents a city's underworld, and the laws of corruption and delay. This novel projects these things in a vision that embraces black comedy, cosmic farce,...

Down and Out in Paris and London & The Road to Wigan Pier
6,54 €
6,21 € Doporučená cena knihy
Gulliver´s Travels
6,54 €
6,21 € Doporučená cena knihy

Gulliver´s Travels
Swift Jonathan


With an Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. Jonathan Swift's classic satirical narrative was first published in 1726,...

Northanger Abbey
6,54 €
6,21 € Doporučená cena knihy

Northanger Abbey
Austenová Jane


Introduction and Notes by David Blair, University of Kent. Northanger Abbey tells the story of a young girl, Catherine Morland who leaves her sheltered, rural...

Dcéry továrnikovej vily
22,90 €
18,09 € Pridať do košíka
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do 12:00 a knihu Vám doručíme
nasledujúci pracovný deň.
Pradivo nekonečna (Prepletené kráľovstvo 2)
16,95 €
14,58 € Pridať do košíka
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do 12:00 a knihu Vám doručíme
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Tajomstvá Kočnerovej knižnice
16,90 €
16,90 € Pridať do košíka
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do 12:00 a knihu Vám doručíme
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Prečo som prelomil mlčanie
14,90 €
9,95 € Pridať do košíka
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do 12:00 a knihu Vám doručíme
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Pinocchio - (Rozprávková klasika), (SK)
12,90 €
4,95 € Pridať do košíka
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do 12:00 a knihu Vám doručíme
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