Ryan Steel je v coloradském Snow Creeku známý jako nejhezčí ze tří bratrů Steelových. Je veselý, žoviální a optimistický. Teď když je...
Zásadní dílo současného nejoceňovanějšího amerického autora z roku 1985, které se již zařadilo do kánonu klasické americké literatury. Zcela syrovým a drastickým způsobem vypráví o...
Behind each letter one can discover hidden words, and the words treasure events, figures, things that made Ukraine exactly as we know it. This alphabet...
Think like a scientist in this innovative activity book, full of science activities to explore, record, discover and invent. Investigate forces, turbines, mirror writing, skeletons,...
There is an opinion that boring, dry, overloaded with complex sentences text is serious, while easy and pleasant to read is not. However, this is...
The kings and armies are manoeuvring for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbours more. Intrigue, dissent and rebellion fester...
Faced with determining the fate of the galaxy, Golan Trevize hesitantly chose to hand over the rule of the galaxy to planet Gaia. Two mysteries...
There are hundreds of fascinating facts to discover in this journey through the wonderful world of numbers. How many hearts does an octopus have? Why...
Just imagine this: sweets are allowed. Chocolate, fast food, ice cream? The coach allows! More of this, less of that. You can salt dishes, eat...
Alice, a pushy communications consultant, reunites with her childhood friend, Jérémie, who has become a country priest. The young woman decides to use her experience...
Have you ever seen a witch without a cat? Puffy is a mostly black street cat looking for someone to be with. Brunhilde is a...
Love bestows the whole world on some. And on others - the pain of unshared feelings. Rostyslav is the most handsome young man in the...
How to talk to children about online safety? Writer Ira Bova has created a safe world for this delicate subject - the fairy tale of...
This spelling dictionary for primary school students includes 7000 words. The manual consists of two parts: a spelling dictionary and a grammar reference book. The...
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world’s finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry...