A tour de force of wit and sparkling dialogue, Pride and Prejudice shows how the headstrong Elizabeth Bennet and the aristocratic Mr Darcy must have...
Born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and...
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales collects more than two hundred tales set down by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the early decades of the nineteenth century,...
The devastating new novel from the bestselling author of A Million Little Pieces...
Dantes 'Komödie', die erst Boccaccio 'göttlich' genannt hat, schildert eine Reise durch die drei Reiche des Jenseits. Durch Hölle und Fegefeuer führt den Autor, der...
J. K. Rowling est l'auteur des sept romans de la saga Harry Potter. Traduite en 79 langues, vendue a des millions d'exemplaires et adaptée en...