When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. With this startling, bizarre,...
The international publishing phenomenon Ice Planet Barbarians, now in a special print edition! Fall in love with the out-of-this-world romance between Georgie...
The third novel in the Ice Planet Barbarians series, an international publishing phenomenon--now in a special print edition with bonus materials and an exclusive epilogue!...
This is the way the world ends: with a nanosecond of computer error in a Defense Department laboratory and a million casual contacts that form...
For over a decade, philosopher and energy expert Alex Epstein has predicted that any negative impacts of fossil fuel use on our climate will be...
The greatest success authorities in the world share their most treasured success secrets. Each powerful lesson will bring you closer to your life's goals: -...
The TikTok sensation Addicted to You, now in a print edition with special bonus material! She's addicted to sex. He's addicted to...
In this bestselling work of spiritual advice, the beloved author shows how even our smallest daily actions can become stepping steps toward integrity. Drawing on...
The national bestseller, now available in a non-illustrated, standard format paperback edition The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest...
Here is the explosive conclusion of the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars(r) movie...
A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic...
As the New Republic takes devastating losses in the ongoingwar with the scattered remnants of the Empire, the galaxy's future depends on three small children...
Heir to The Empire was a number-one New York Times bestseller and the science-fiction publishing event of the year. Dark Force Rising continued the gripping...