Kniha Turned On
14,95 €
14,20 € Bežná cena knihy
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Turned On
autor neuvedený

Na sklade

Vydavateľstvo: Slovart
Rok vydania: 2020 Jazyk: EN Počet strán: 288

'Illuminating, witty and written with a wide open mind' Sunday TimesThe idea of the seductive sex robot is the stuff of myth, legend and science...

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dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior

Doprava zadarmo nad 29,99 €! Nakúpte ešte za 29,99 € a poštovné zaplatíme za vás!

Rok vydania:2020

'Illuminating, witty and written with a wide open mind' Sunday TimesThe idea of the seductive sex robot is the stuff of myth, legend and science fiction. From the myth of Laodamia in Ancient Greece to twenty-first century shows such as Westworld, robots in human form have captured our imagination, our hopes and our fears. But beyond the fantasies there are real and fundamental questions about our relationship with technology as it moves into the realm of robotics.Turned On explores how the emerging and future development of sexual companion robots might affect us and the society in which we live. It explores the social changes arising from emerging technologies, and our relationships with the machines that someday may care for us and about us. Sex robots are here, and here to stay, and more are coming.Computer scientist and sex-robot expert Kate Devlin is our guide as we seek to understand how this technology is developing. From robots in Greek myth and the fantastical automata of the Middle Ages through to the sentient machines of the future that embody the prominent AI debate, she explores the 'modern' robot versus the robot servants we were promised by twentieth century sci-fi, and delves into the psychological effects of the technology, and issues raised around gender politics, diversity, surveillance and violence. This book answers all the questions you've ever had about sex robots, as well as all the ones you haven't yet thought of.

Doprava zadarmo nad 29,99 €! Nakúpte ešte za 29,99 € a poštovné zaplatíme za vás!

Počet strán:288
EAN :9781472950901
Katalógové číslo :1288345

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
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Informácie o knihe

'Illuminating, witty and written with a wide open mind' Sunday TimesThe idea of the seductive sex robot is the stuff of myth, legend and science fiction. From the myth of Laodamia in Ancient Greece to twenty-first century shows such as Westworld, robots in human form have captured our imagination, our hopes and our fears. But beyond the fantasies there are real and fundamental questions about our relationship with technology as it moves into the realm of robotics.Turned On explores how the emerging and future development of sexual companion robots might affect us and the society in which we live. It explores the social changes arising from emerging technologies, and our relationships with the machines that someday may care for us and about us. Sex robots are here, and here to stay, and more are coming.Computer scientist and sex-robot expert Kate Devlin is our guide as we seek to understand how this technology is developing. From robots in Greek myth and the fantastical automata of the Middle Ages through to the sentient machines of the future that embody the prominent AI debate, she explores the 'modern' robot versus the robot servants we were promised by twentieth century sci-fi, and delves into the psychological effects of the technology, and issues raised around gender politics, diversity, surveillance and violence. This book answers all the questions you've ever had about sex robots, as well as all the ones you haven't yet thought of.

EAN :9781472950901
Katalógové číslo:1288345
Rok vydania:2020
Počet strán:288
Pridať do košíka Pridať do košíka
dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
Kniha Turned On
14,95 €
14,20 € Odporúčaná cena knihy

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